June 2020

The Power of Firewalls: Safeguarding Your Digital Fortress

The Power of Firewalls: Safeguarding Your Digital Fortress Today, we delve into the world of firewalls and their crucial role in protecting your digital assets from malicious threats. Whether you’re a cybersecurity enthusiast or a business owner, understanding the power of firewalls is essential in fortifying your online defenses. What is a Firewall? A firewall is a network security device that acts as a barrier between your internal network and the vastness of the internet. It monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. Think of it as a virtual bouncer, allowing only authorized traffic...

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Kurban Öncesi Biraz Firesheep

Son zamanlarda security bloglarında adından söz ettiren bir firefox extensiondan bahsetmek istiyorum. Firesheep kullanmak için http://codebutler.github.com/firesheep/ sitesinden extension indirebilrisiniz. max 2.6.12 firefox versiyonunda çalışıyor, 14 te denedim uyumlu değil.ayrıca kullanmak için winpcap library yüklü olması gerekli. Temelde yaptığı http üzerinden gidip gelen cookie,session bilgilerini yakalayarak sessionı hijack etmenizi sağlıyor. Peki starbucksta kahvenizi içerken yada paylaşılan bir wireless networkte olursanız. Bu durumda yan masanızda ki arkadaşın facebook, yada hotmail hesabını görme imkanınız oluyor. hali hazırda içerisinde cookie bilgilerinin hangilerinin toplanması gerektiğini ufak script vasıtasıyla extensiona anlatıyorsunuz. poc olarak firefox’a bunu kurup internet explorer üzerinden girerseniz, session bilgilerini alabiliyorsunuz. script ise şu...

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Measuring Cybersecurity Success: Understanding Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Introduction Today, we delve into the realm of measuring cybersecurity success through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). In this digital age, where threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, it is essential for organizations to establish effective metrics to assess their cybersecurity posture. By doing so, they can identify potential vulnerabilities, make informed decisions, and continuously improve their security defenses. Why Measure Cybersecurity? Cybersecurity is not a one-time investment; it requires constant monitoring and evaluation. Measuring cybersecurity effectiveness helps organizations: Assess their current security posture Identify gaps and vulnerabilities Quantify the impact of security investments Justify the need for additional resources Track progress...

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